Curiosities Week ‘3’

WTCOC Curiosities by JinaJina, szigfrid, manarori, and Mingo

  • The Curiosities team has a new member! Szigfrid (Hun) officially joined us last week, but he has been sending us curiosities and finding our mistakes for over a year now. 
  • Argentina’s bignacho610 earned this week’s highest game score of 142 points. That’s only 2 points short of JMargarido’s current 2024 record
  • Highest combined score: 261 points by Salva3xz (Col) vs martypartyouje (Cze)… 8 points short of the current WTCOC 2024 record.
  • Lowest winning score: 64 points by TerranPL (Pol)
  • Lowest combined score: 120 points by TerranPL and IMD5 (Mex)
  • There were 4 tied games during week 3, and half of them decided the duel. The accumulated total amounts to 14.
  • This week one duel (2 games) were counted as lost due to No Show, for a total of 10 games in weeks 1-3.. 
  • Of the 342 players, 51 have not yet debuted and 56 have played all three weeks.
  • Of those 56, 10 have won all three duels although they have lost some of their matches and another 6 players are completely undefeated. And of course, one of the undefeated is none other than the current world champion… Statmatt.
  • All players from the Peru, Romania, Hong Kong and Hungary teams have played at least once this year, with Hong Kong and Hungary leading the pack with the max 10 players.
  • 6 teams have won their first three matches, but only 5 teams can finish the group stage undefeated. How many will achieve it?
  • We have passed the threshold of halfway through the group stage. Which 16 teams will make it to the playoffs?… Time to place your bets!

Did You Know…?

  • You might remember reading that Malaysia’s ykit244 lives in Prague and played against the Czech Republic in Week 1. We just learned that Peru’s -Nari- currently lives in Germany, and won their duel in the week 2 match against Germany. So… which other teams have Carcassonne ambassadors (or spies!) playing in their midst?
  • Living in a different time zone can be challenging for players. This week -Nari- played at 03:00 (German time) in the Peru vs Vietnam match before having to catch a 05:00 train.
  • Smile- (Ukr) can’t complain about getting too easy opponents: in both of his duels he had to play against an individual world champion (first g3rappa then statmatt). What a challenge!
  • Speaking of individual world champions: Manarori’s victory over UY_Scuti means that he becomes only the 2rd player ever (after 71st) who managed to defeat two different world champions in a WTCOC duel (his first victim was Mars15 last year). 
  • Though none of them is a world champion, the round 3 duel between MSO champion krisna (Lat) and world championshjp finalist Kaa- (Bra) was undoubtedly one of the top clashes of this WTCOC edition. It was the first (and probably the only) occasion in the group stage where both members of a duel were among those 15 elite WTCOC’24 players who reached the rating of 800 ELO at some point in the past.
  • There were two “curious ties” this week: Curiosities contributors JinaJina (Bel) and szigfrid (Hun) both lost their tied games against France’s 1-3 and RCP’s sergt, respectively. 
  • Moreover, this is the second time that szigfrid has lost a tie in the deciding game of a duel against team RCP. The first time was in 2021.
  • The 3rd draw this week occurred in the 3rd game of the duel between James81 (Ita) and Ervin_G (Rom). As James81 was the second player in this game, the draw secured a narrow 3:2 victory for the Italian team.
  • There were 3 (!) players who, at some point during one of their games this week, finished a turn with only 1 second of time remaining:  Smile- (Ukr), posij118 (Cze), and meeme9 (Chi). That is cutting it *very* close!!

Weekly Feature Records:

  • Noasca (Ita) and beliwan (Ned) each scored 14 point roads this week at table #507250405 (on turn 48) and table #507694991 (on turn 126), respectively
  • Loku_elo (Esp) scored a 52 point city at table #507664877 on turn 133
  • 4 players each scored 33 point fields (in 2 different games) this week :
    • FanaticalLime93 (UK) and zaharik (Ukr) at table #507259445
    • 71Knives (Bel) and squallus (Fra) at table #507691927
  • bignacho610 (Arg) scored 44 monastery points at table #508598959 (4 complete and 1 incomplete monasteries)

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