WTCOC 2024 News

Once again, we address the entire international Carcassonne community to let you know that we will soon have a new edition of the World Team Carcassonne Online Championship (WTCOC).

This fourth edition will open the registration period on March 18th and close on April 10th; in order to proceed later to the start of the championship, which will be the week of April 15th.

As of today, and until the registration period opens, we ask the representatives of all the teams to send us an email to to request permission to formalize their registration once the registration period opens. In this way we will avoid duplicate teams, and we will continue to trust all the people who, until now, have been linked to the different Carcassonne projects that exist throughout the world.

After taking stock of the previous World Championship, we want to try to make the championship evolve in the most beneficial and agile way for all participants. The rules will be published brievely, but the general rules will be very similar to WTCOC 2023.

We trust that all captains and team members will register and participate in the championship with maximum sportsmanship.